About SynTalk

SynTalk Medal: 2024 onwards. More here (nomination deadline now April 30, 2024)

Latest: #TTTC (The Transformations To Complex), March 23, 2024

Description: SynTalk (short for Synthesis Talk) is a freewheeling interdisciplinary talk show with a philosophical approach to understanding the world from a long term perspective. SynTalk believes that all understanding lies on nodes, and it therefore brings together concepts, ideas and impulses from different epistemological categories. SynTalk usually deals with disciplines such as art, mathematics, computer science, literature, logic, sciences, social sciences, philosophy, psychology, media, design, music, medicine, political theory, ecology, public policy, technology, economics, physics, anthropology, gaming, history, and artificial intelligence. SynTalk’s goal is to contribute & promote original interdisciplinary collaboration & thinking inside, outside and across academic institutions, companies, think tanks, independent intellectuals, students, entrepreneurs, hobbyists, connoisseurs, and common folk. In the long run, SynTalk aspires to become a global space for fence-less thinking.

Design Philosophy: A SynTalk episode is about one hour long, purely audio in its delivery format, and conceptual & theoretical in its structure. The audio format (as contrasted with the audio-visual), we believe, is more analog, keeps the performative aspect to a minimum, is closer to thought, and fosters critical imagination. The conversations are spontaneous and strictly unscripted, unedited & uninterrupted. Episodes have ideas, concepts and impulses from at least 3-4 different disciplines. These factors give our episodes a (somewhat) raw & unfinished texture. SynTalk does not aspire for icy perfection. Also, we take a ‘long term’ view of everything, and know that we shall, some day, host SynTalkrs who are all not born yet.

Thank you.

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